How To Revive Dying Shrubs: Is It Possible?

You put a lot of work into your landscaping, so it is only natural for you to want your plants and shrubs to look their best. In addition to providing curb appeal to your property, shrubs also offer shade and privacy. Keeping them healthy will benefit your home in more ways than one! 

Unfortunately, the elements are unforgiving at times, so you might search for “how to revive dying shrubs” occasionally. Thankfully, Barone’s Tree Pros, Madison’s tree service contractor, has the answers and the solution. Let’s break down the reasons for dying shrubs and the steps to revive them. 

how to revive dying shrubs

Identifying Causes of Decline in Shrubs

Like any other living plant on your property, shrubs are vulnerable to the elements and certain diseases. If you think that a shrub is looking off, start by investigating the branches. Gently scrape at the bark to see if the wood underneath is green. If it is green, it means that the shrub is still growing. Dry, brown wood indicates that your shrub is suffering in some capacity. 

Another helpful tip is to gently bend one of the branches. A flexible branch means that your shrub is still alive. If the branch snaps easily, it might be time to investigate further. 

In addition, shrubs will sometimes give off obvious visual signs that something is wrong. Look for these issues: 

  • Excessive leaf drop
  • Holes or signs of chewing from insects on leaves or bark
  • Root rot 
  • Discoloration 

If a discovery is made, following the steps on how to revive dying shrubs is crucial to prevent further issues. 

Does Drought Affect Shrubs? 

Shrubs need water just like any other plant on your property. Short-term droughts are usually not detrimental to well-established shrubs, but long-term droughts may cause strain to your shrub’s root system. Reviving drought-stressed shrubs is possible, but don’t pour a lot of water into the soil right away. Saving underwatered shrubs with proper watering is essential to avoid stressing the plant and damaging fragile roots. 

Start by moistening the soil to rehydrate the area, and then make it a habit to give the shrub and surrounding soil a deep soak about once a week. Watering your shrubs more than that will overwhelm and damage the root system, leading to further issues. 

Do You Still Have To Prune Dying Shrubs? 

Even if your shrubs are stressed, a full recovery is still possible. Having a professional team come to your property to inspect your shrubs is a great way to address disease and other issues quickly. They will also offer some simple tips about best practices for pruning dying shrubs. 

A professional pruning is a good way to support a shrub’s long-term health. Removing dead or dying branches pulls some of the stress off of the shrubs, allowing healthy growth to take over. 

Are There Natural Remedies for Diseased Shrubs?

While it is important to remember that enlisting the help of a professional tree service is the best course of action when it comes to diseased shrubs, there are some things to try on your own. 

To start, make sure your shrub is watered properly and gets the right amount of sunlight that it needs. In addition, a mix of baking soda and water helps prevent the spread of mildew and other types of fungus. Another helpful DIY treatment is to add crushed eggshells to the soil. This enriches the soil but also deters slugs and snails. 

The team at Barone’s Tree Pros are experts at revitalizing neglected shrubs with care. We have the solution for how to revive dying shrubs, and we will also take care of your routine tree inspections. Contact us today at (601) 345-8090 for quality shrub and tree care. 

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