Vines that gracefully climb trees and buildings conjure images of forgotten jungles with their exotic appeal. They can quickly overtake your property and kill native plants if you don’t keep them in check. Barone’s Tree Pros LLC’s reputable tree service experts in Florence, AL, guide you on how to remove vines from your yard below.

What Should You Remove?
You’ll find all kinds of yard maintenance tips on the internet, some of which are helpful while others do more harm than good. Use caution before applying some techniques to your property. For example, not all vines pose a threat to your trees and other plants.
Poisonous or invasive vines overtake areas and leave few nutrients and little space for other plants. Keep varieties like English ivy, wintercreeper, and porcelain berry in check. They have distinctive leaf and growth patterns that help them stand out.
Leave native vines, like native grape, greenbrier, and Virginia creeper alone. They benefit the local ecosystems and live harmoniously among other plants and trees.
Here Is How to Remove Vines From Your Yard
If you discover invasive or harmful vines on your property, you will only eliminate them if you go beyond basic weeding methods. You’ll learn how to remove these vines from your yard below. Keep in mind that manual removal may not be aggressive enough to prevent them from returning. You might need help from an arborist to completely eradicate these growths.
Gather and Prepare Your Supplies
Invasive vines grow along tree trunks, attaching themselves with aerial roots embedded deep into the trunk. You must cut them in two different places to eliminate their nutrient reservoirs. Find a sharp, clean pair of gardening shears or pruners, a pair of gloves, and some goggles.
The glоves will protect your hands from rough vine segments. The goggles keep falling pieces of debris from landing in your eyes.
Carefully Clip the Vines
Next, start cutting the vines in two different spots. The first cut should be at eye level or just above your head. You should easily reach this area. Cut the vine cluster all the way around the tree trunk.
Make the second cut near the ground about two feet away from the tree’s base. You should slice each individual vine clean off.
Tug the Vines From the Ground
Pull the vine segments up and off the ground and tree when you finish pruning. This releases the tree’s trunk from the invasive vine’s grip while leaving a two-foot window around the base to protect the trunk from future growth. Check for fresh growth and vine progress when spring rolls around.
Speak With a Tree Service About Targeted Herbicides
Sometimes, even the most precise efforts don’t lead to complete eradication. Using a store-bought herbicide can destroy your prized trees and plants. A qualified arborist can safely select and apply these products to protect native plants.
Protect Your Native and Purchased Foliage With Help From Barone’s Tree Pros, LLC
Barone’s Tree Pros, LLC, knows how to remove vines from your yard. Contact us for help from an ISA-certified arborist in Florence, Alabama. Learn more now.